Maranta plant

If you are one of those people who claims that plants are not your thing, the maranta is a great option to learn what it is like to take care of indoor plants. They are tremendously easy to care for, resistant and very grateful specimens.

The maranta is a plant native to Brazil where it grows in shady and humid forests. What makes this plant stand out the most, in addition to its easy care, is the shape and color of its leaves, which also open and close throughout the day to conserve moisture.

The height of the marantha that we sell here is between 30-40cm.

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As for its care once you have it at home, it does not like the cold too much and is more about being between 20 and 28 degrees with a lot of ambient humidity and in the shade.

Regarding irrigation, you should water it often so that the soil always remains moist (especially during the hot months) and if at any time the temperature in your house exceeds 20 degrees, do not hesitate to spray its leaves, it will appreciate it!