Cookies policy


Cookies policy of the Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. website

Use of Cookies

The website of BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. (hereinafter Bourguignon Floristas),, uses its own and third-party Cookies. Cookies are files sent to a browser through a web server to record the User's activities on a website. The first purpose of Cookies is to provide the User with faster access to the selected Services. In addition, Cookies personalize the Services offered by the Bourguignon Floristas Website, facilitating and offering each User information that is of interest to them or that may be of interest to them, based on their use of the Services. The Bourguignon Floristas Website uses Cookies to personalize and facilitate the User's navigation as much as possible, and to carry out analysis and measurement of use (statistically or anonymously) that allow us to improve our services. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous User and their computer and do not provide references that allow the User's personal data to be deduced, unless expressly authorized by the User.


The User may at any time accept or reject all cookies installed by Bourguignon Floristas or third parties, and configure them to measure through the cookie adjustment panel provided by our website. Likewise, you can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of Cookies sent by the Bourguignon Floristas website, without affecting the User's ability to access the content. However, we point out that, in any case, the quality of the website's operation may decrease. Registered Users who register or who have logged in will be able to benefit from more personalized services tailored to their profile, thanks to the combination of the data stored in cookies with the personal data used at the time of registration. These Users expressly authorize the use of this information for the indicated purpose, without prejudice to their right to reject or disable the use of cookies.


What is a cookie?


Cookies are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors. It is a unique identifier in the form of a text file that some servers send to the user's device to record information about what has been done on their pages, which improves the quality and security of the website. Cookies have an expiration date, which can range from the duration of the session to a specified future date after which they cease to be operational.


Usefulness of cookies on this Website

Cookies are used on this Website to facilitate navigation through its Portal, for security reasons and to obtain greater efficiency and personalization of the services offered to Users.


Types of cookies used on this Website

Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them:


Own cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer from the domain.

Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.


Types of cookies according to the period of time they remain activated:


Session cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while accessing the website. They are usually used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested on a single occasion (for example, a list of purchased products).

Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookies in which the data continues to be stored on your computer and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


Types of cookies according to their purpose:


Technical cookies: these are those that allow you to navigate through the website and use the different options or services that exist there, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts. , remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements while browsing, store content for the dissemination of videos or sound or share content through social networks.

Personalization cookies: These are those that allow you to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria on your computer, such as the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the configuration regional from where you access the service, etc.

Analysis cookies: These are those that allow the monitoring and analysis of your behavior for statistical purposes. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure activity and to create browsing profiles in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made.

Advertising cookies: These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of advertising spaces based on criteria such as the content or the frequency in which the ads are displayed.

We put at your disposal a list of the types of cookies inserted both by and by third parties on the website, in order to provide you with information about their purpose, their duration and information on whether they are your own or that of a third party. We inform you that we use both session and persistent cookies. Persistent cookies will remain on your device until their expiration date reaches, at which point they will be automatically deleted.




Specifically, the cookies used, their owner and their purposes are those indicated in the following table:




How to manage cookies on computers


If you want to allow the use of cookies from our site, please follow the following instructions.


  • Google Chrome
  1. When you open the browser, click "tools" at the top and select the "options" tab.
  2. Within options, click "privacy".
  3. Check "allow management of cookies".


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
  1. When you open the browser, click "tools" at the top and select the "options" tab.
  2. Check the "Privacy" tab to make sure it is set to a medium or lower security level.
  3. If the Internet configuration is not average, cookies will be blocked.


  • Mozilla Firefox
  1. When you open the browser, click "tools" at the top and select the "options" tab.
  2. Select the Privacy icon
  3. Click on cookies, and check: "allow the installation of cookies".


  • Safari
  1. When you open the browser, click "tools" at the top and select the "options" tab.
  2. Click on the "Security" tab and check whether the "Block access to third-party cookies" option is checked or not.
  3. Click on "save".



Installing cookies on Mac


If you have a Mac and want to allow access to our cookies on your computer, please follow the following instructions:


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
  1. Go to "Explorer" and select "Preferences" in the navigation bar.
  2. Scroll down until you see "Cookies" just below received files.
  3. Check "Do not ask again."


  • Safari on OSX
  1. Go to Safari and select "Preferences" in the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the "Security" tab and check the "accept cookies" option
  3. Select the option: "Only from the current site I am browsing"


  • Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
  1. Go to "Mozilla" or "Netscape" and at the top of your browser, check the "Preferences" option
  2. Scroll down until you see "Cookies" just below "Privacy and Security."
  3. Check the option "Allow cookies access only from the current site"


  • Opera
  1. Enter "Opera" and select "Menu" and "Settings" in the navigation bar.
  2. Select "Preferences" and click on the "Advanced" tab.
  3. Check the "Accept cookies" option


Information related to the processing of Personal Data (ART.12 RGPD)


Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. (Bourguignon Floristas) is responsible for the processing of the personal data that you provide to us. BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. is a Spanish company with registered office at Avenida Ramón y Cajal, n° 1, Madrid (Spain) 28016, with CIF B-88528668. It is registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Inscription 1, Volume 40,046, Folio 1, Section, 8, Sheet M-711488, where the names of the company that make up the address of the company through which it operates are duly registered. as a service provider. Telephone and contact number: 914573647, [email protected]. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at the email address: [email protected]


What do we use your personal data for?

To properly manage and respond to the request, query, comment or request made by you through the different means of contact that we have established in the "Contact" section of our website


What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data?

The legitimacy for the processing of your personal data is given by your consent, granted at the time of contacting us.


To whom do we communicate your data?

No data will be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation.


What is the retention period for your data?

In order to guarantee the rights that assist the user in terms of protection of personal data or in their capacity as a consumer, the company will retain their data for a maximum period of 30 days, proceeding to delete it after said period.


What are your rights?

In relation to your data, you always have the right to request access, rectification, deletion and portability of the same, as well as to withdraw your consent (without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to withdrawal). , oppose or limit its processing (in certain circumstances) and file a claim with a supervisory authority.




Adherence to Online Trust


Our entity is a member of Confianza Online (non-profit Association), registered in the National Registry of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Calle la Palma 59, Bajo A., 28015 Madrid (Spain) , telephone (+34) 91 309 13 47 and fax (+34) 91 402 83 39 (


These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law. Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Law, we inform consumers that, as a member entity and under the terms of the Code of Ethics, users may go to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of possible disputes (https :// If these refer to electronic transactions with consumers, or to data protection when they are related to this area, the claims will be resolved by the Online Trust Mediation Committee, accredited for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes. If the claims relate to digital advertising, or data protection related to this area, they will be submitted to the AUTOCONTROL Advertising Jury.


We also remind you that you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform by following this link: