Mimi Eden Rose Bouquet
One of the most romantic and most popular bouquets in our flower shop. Mimi-Eden, a spray rose variety, are sweet and delicate flowers whose petals change color as the flower opens, going through fuchsia and green tones - when they are more closed, to pastel pink. and broken white when they finish opening. In addition to the spray roses, this bouquet contains white white roses, a high-quality rose variety that makes the bouquet more romantic. To give more movement to the bouquet we have wrapped it with greens. To see how many flowers each bouquet contains, click on the size below.
The size of this bouquet in the image corresponds to the "L".
The Mimi-Eden rose bouquet is one of our recommended bouquets to give flowers for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. This bouquet is appropriate for sending flowers on occasions such as declarations of love, marriage proposals, anniversary celebrations or the birth of a baby.