Privacy Policy


Responsible for processing your data: Identity: BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS, SL.


Contact information for the data protection officer: [email protected] or by phone 914573647


Purpose of processing your data: We process your personal information to operate, provide, improve Bourguignon Florists that we offer to our clients, purchase and deliver your products or services, provision, problem resolution and improvement of services, recommendations and personalization, compliance with legal obligations, communicating with you, advertising, and Prevention of Fraud and Credit Risks.


Legal basis by which the data processing will be carried out will be the execution of a contract or by consent of the client.


Recipients: no data will be transferred, unless expressly authorized by the recipient and due to the obligation of legal regulations for the provision of services.


Rights to access your personal data, request rectification, request deletion, request limitation or opposition to their processing, revoke consent and/or portability.


Origin: If they are not obtained by the interested party, their origin and their categories must be reported.




N.I.F.: B88528468


Address: AV. Ramón y Cajal 1, 28016, Madrid.


Telephone: 914573647


Email: [email protected]


DPD contact: [email protected]


What Personal Information from Customers Does Bourguignon Floristas Collect?

We collect your personal information to provide and continually improve our products and services.


These are the types of information we collect:


Information You Provide to Us: We receive and store all information you provide to us in relation to Bourguignon Floristas. You can choose not to provide certain information, but if you do, you will not be able to enjoy many of Bourguignon Floristas' communications and services.


Automatic Information: Whenever you use the Bourguignon Floristas services, we automatically receive and store certain types of information, such as usage information, including your interaction with the content and services available through the Bourguignon Floristas services. For example, like many other websites, we use "cookies" and other unique identifiers to collect certain information when your Internet browser or device accesses Bourguignon Floristas.


Information from Other Sources: We may receive information about you from other sources as you can see in our cookie policy.

For what purposes does Bourguignon Floristas Process Your Personal Information?


We process your personal information to operate, provide and improve Bourguignon Florists that we offer to our customers. These purposes include:


Purchase and delivery of products and services. We use your personal information to accept and fulfill orders, deliver products and services, process payments and communicate with you regarding orders, products, services and promotional offers.


Provision, problem solving and improvement of Bourguignon Florists services. We use your personal information to provide functionality, analyze performance, resolve errors and improve the usability and effectiveness of Bourguignon Floristas.


Recommendations and personalization. We use your personal information to recommend features, products and services that may interest you, identify your preferences and personalize your experience with Bourguignon Floristas.


Compliance with legal obligations. In some cases, we have a legal obligation to collect and process your personal information.


Communicate with you. We use your personal information to communicate with you in relation to Bourguignon Floristas' services and products through different channels (for example, by telephone, email, WhatsApp).


Advertising. We use information such as your interactions with Bourguignon Floristas sites, content or services to display ads based on features, products and services that may be of interest to you. We do not use your personal information to show you interest-based ads.


Prevention of Fraud and Credit Risks. Bourguignon Floristas uses Stripe and PayPal payment gateways. These two gateways are the companies that will process the payment data. They are the ones who will process personal information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in order to protect the security of our clients.


Purposes for which we obtain your consent. We may also request your consent to process your personal information for a specific purpose that we will communicate to you. When you give your consent for us to process your personal information for a specific purpose, you can revoke your consent at any time and we will stop processing your information for that purpose.

Does Bourguignon Floristas share your Personal Information?

In some cases we must communicate the information you have provided to us to third parties in order to provide you with the requested service, for example, logistics, transportation and delivery services, installers and/or assemblers, etc. Likewise, there are companies that provide us with other types of services such as: information technology (storage and processing of information), financial services, auditing services, etc. These third parties only have access to the personal information they need to perform those services. They are required to keep your personal information confidential and may not use it in any way other than that which we have requested. In all cases, BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. You take responsibility for the personal information you provide to us, and we ask those companies with which we share your personal information to apply the same level of information protection as we do. Likewise, your personal information will be available to public administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of possible responsibilities arising from the treatment.


How is our data used for orders outside the community of Madrid, Spain, Europe and outside Europe?

As well as the use of data to third party service providers, we share delivery data to be able to place and ship your orders outside the community of Madrid, Spain, the EEA and international orders. To perform this service we use the Interflora service who will receive this information to be able to place the order.


At any time the user can unsubscribe by sending a unsubscription request to [email protected]. Users registered on the website can object to the shipment by checking the box in the user area.


Data will not be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation.


Your data may be transferred to the entities with which Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. has a service provision agreement, which are located within the European Economic Area (EEA) and, therefore, meet the appropriate guarantees regarding the protection of personal data. In addition, Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. contracts its virtual infrastructure is hosted on virtual servers owned by Brutalsys S.L., using KVM virtualization technology. The servers are hosted in Barcelona (Spain) under the protection of the RGPD.


You should be aware that international shipments may be destined outside the European Economic Area, including countries that do not offer an equivalent level of data protection to that of the EEA, and therefore your data may not be securely protected in the country of destination. For shipments outside Madrid, Spain, the EEA and outside the EEA, it is made through the Fleurop Interflora España S.A. service. This service is only provided through our store by phone call or in person. The data from this service will be delivered to said company to carry out this service. Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. He only acts as an intermediary.


Until you inform us otherwise, we will understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have your consent to use it for the aforementioned purposes.


Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, exact and updated manner. This is why Bourguignon And Son Floristas S.L. undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.


Users may exercise the right to access their personal data, request rectification of incorrect data, and, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was requested.


Users may request the limitation of the processing of their personal data, so BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. It will only maintain them for compliance with legal and administrative obligations, defense of our interests and rights, as well as for the exercise or defense of claims, sanctions and responsibilities.


Users may object to the processing of their personal data. BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. will stop processing your data, except for legitimate reasons or to defend against possible claims, sanctions and liabilities.


Users will also have the possibility to revoke consent at any time for any of the treatments for which they have given consent, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.


Users will also have the right to the portability of their personal data at any time.


Users may exercise all the rights listed above, under the terms and conditions provided for in current legislation, by means of a written and signed request, addressed to BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L., domiciled at AV. RAMÓN Y CAJAL 1, 28016, MADRID, or also by sending an email to the address [email protected].


Requests processed by email must be made from the same email address registered by the applicant.


In both cases, the User, to exercise the aforementioned rights and in order to offer guarantees of identification, must attach to their request a copy of their National Identity Document or, where applicable, Foreigner Identification Number, in force.


Likewise, if the User considers that their data has been treated inappropriately, they have the right to file a claim or obtain more information about their rights, before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid ).


The detail of the legal basis for data processing may be for the performance of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation, public interest or legitimate interest, protection of vital interests and consent of the interested party. In the latter case, the user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.


The communication of personal data is a necessary requirement to sign a contract, so you should facilitate them. If this were not done, the contract could not be carried out, so we would not be able to carry out any operation.


We only store your personal information to the extent that we need it in order to be able to use it in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected, and in accordance with the legal basis for processing it in accordance with applicable law. We will maintain your personal information as long as there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with you, or as long as you do not exercise your right to deletion, cancellation and/or limitation of the processing of your data. In these cases, we will keep the information duly blocked, without giving it any use, as long as it may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or some type of judicial, legal or contractual responsibility may arise from its treatment, which must be attended to and for which recovery is necessary.


The legal basis or legitimacy for the processing of personal data provided through our website and/or through the different Customer Service channels is the express consent that is requested from the User through their agreement and acceptance, in the box of “Privacy Policy” in the sections of:


Newsletter Subscription


Contact Form




Budget acceptance

The User has the possibility of revoking at any time the consent for the processing of the personal data provided, for which they have given their consent, without this affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.


The personal data requested are appropriate and necessary for the fulfillment of a contract and/or commercial relationship, the fulfillment of different legal obligations, For legitimate interest, for example, for reasons of fraud prevention or to manage requests, queries or possible claims that may arise, with your consent, for example, for sending special offers. The user is not obliged to provide them, but his refusal may limit the ability to respond to his queries and the formalization of sales contracts.



We collect personal data when you contact us through our website or by telephone or through paper documents. Below we explain the different ways we collect personal information about you and some examples of how we use that information.

Information that you provide us

We collect personal information that you provide us through our website, by email, by telephone, when you request a quote, hire a service, when you fill out a form, etc. For example: you may provide us with information when you contact us to request a quote, order request, fill out a questionnaire, participate in a contest, etc. The personal information we request from you is: name and surname, address, ID, email and contact telephone number. In no case, for any purpose, will data on personal, academic and professional characteristics, employment details, social or economic circumstances be collected.

Information we collect from your visits to our website

We collect and store limited personal information and anonymous aggregate statistics from all users who visit our website, whether you actively provide us with such information or are simply browsing our website. The information we collect includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device you are using, the browser program you use, your operating system, the date and time of access, the Internet address of the website through which you accessed our website and how you use our website to know the loading time of our website, how it is used, the number of visits to the different sections and the type of information that most attracts visitors. It also helps to identify if the website is working correctly, and if we detect errors or errors in operation, solve them and improve the performance of our website, in order to offer a better service to all users. This information is collected through cookies, for more information see our cookie policy.

Social networks

The use of social networks is becoming more and more frequent. BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS, SL is present in most of them and is another way to contact you. The information we collect through social media sometimes includes personal information that is available online and to the public. We always ensure that all information we use is correctly attributed to its source or made anonymous. These social networks likely have their own privacy policies, which explain how they use and share your personal information. We recommend that you carefully review their privacy policies before using these social networks to make sure you are happy with the way your personal information is collected and shared.


Pursuant to the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that by completing this form your personal data will be incorporated and processed in the files owned by , in order to manage, administer and maintain the Services provided and/or contracted, as well as to keep you informed, including by electronic means, on issues related to the activity of the Company and its services.


You can exercise, at any time, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data by email addressed to [email protected]


Right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition


In compliance with the provisions of current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, you may contact BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. as Data Controller to be able to exercise their rights of Access, Cancellation, Rectification and Opposition regarding the data incorporated in the files under their responsibility. These rights are very personal and will be exercised by the interested party, without limitations other than those provided for by the applicable legislation. However, the legal representative of the interested user may act when he or she is in a situation of disability or minority that makes it impossible for him or her to exercise them personally, provided that there is express representation authorized by the owner of the data.


The data cancellation procedure will be possible in the case of deceased owners by their relatives or the exercise of the right of access in the event of the death of the affected person.


You may exercise the right of access by request or request addressed to BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. as Data Controller, stating their identification and the file or files to be consulted. The exercise of this right may be exercised on an annual basis, except for proven legitimate interest. The Security Manager will resolve the access request within a maximum period of thirty days, counting from receipt of the request.


BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. It will only deny access when the request is made by a person other than the affected person or when the exercise is contrary to the terms established in current legislation.


If the resolution is upheld, access will be effective within ten days following notification of the resolution. The information, regardless of the medium in which it is provided, will be given in legible and intelligible form, after a clear transcription of the data in the file, if applicable.


The information will include the basic data of the affected party and the data resulting from any computer processing or processing, as well as the origin of the data, its assignees and the specification of the specific uses and purposes for which the data was stored.


When access to the files reveals that the data of the affected person is inaccurate or incomplete, inadequate or excessive, you may request rectification or, where appropriate, cancellation thereof.


The rectification, cancellation and/or opposition will be made effective by the person responsible for the file within ten days following receipt of the request. Said request for rectification or cancellation will be made by email.


In the event that the person responsible for the File considers that it is not appropriate to access what is requested by the affected party, it will be communicated to them, stating the reasons and within the period indicated in the previous section.


In cases where, although the cancellation of the data is appropriate, its physical extinction is not possible, both for technical reasons and due to the computer support used, BOURGUIGNON AND SON FLORISTAS S.L. will proceed to block the data, in order to prevent its subsequent use, until its complete elimination from the information systems.



We link videos to our products using the Google YouTube service through the API. To play the linked videos you must accept the terms of service established at:


You can consult the Privacy Policy of all the services used by Google at:

Information about Cookies


We use cookies to allow our systems to recognize your browser or device and to provide you with Bourguignon Floristas services. For more information about the use of cookies, we provide you with a complete list and details of our own and third-party cookies used on our website.



This website is intended for people over 18 years of age. By completing the registration form you guarantee that you are over 18 years of age and will be fully responsible for this declaration. For verification we may, at any time, require you to provide the corresponding identification document. Under suspicion that a user is a minor, and that he or she has falsified the data required for access, said user may be denied access to the services offered.