Red Poinsettia plant
During Christmas, send a Poinsettia to your loved ones with the ease of being able to do so with our home delivery service in Madrid. Congratulate Christmas by sending a Poinsettia to your loved ones. At Bourguignon we have different varieties of Poinsettias in white or red and presented in different ways. It is one of the gifts that cannot be missed this Christmas.
Same-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). If you place your order before 2:00 PM, the flowers will arrive the same afternoon.
Next-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). The flowers will arrive the day after your purchase.
Other day delivery:
This option is available every day except Sundays and holidays.
Pickup in the morning or afternoon:
Pickup will be in the morning (10:00-13:45) or in the afternoon (15:00-17:00) as requested by the customer. Morning pickups can be requested until 10:00 AM, and afternoon pickups until 12:00 PM on the same day.
Red Poinsettia: The traditional gift
The price of our poinsettia includes the ceramic you see in the product photo.
Don't miss our selection of flowers and plants for Christmas, with bouquets, plants, arrangements and wreaths to decorate or congratulate the holidays.
If you prefer, in our Christmas selection we have other Poinsettia versions available that you may like, such as the White Poinsettia, a Poinsettia Basket or a Poinsettia tree.