Sunflower Flower Basket

he main flower of this arrangement is the sunflower, the omni-present flower in summer and autumn in Spain. This arrangement is made entirely with sunflowers and greens.

The size of the sunflower can vary depending on the season, being larger in summer and smaller in autumn.

The size of the flower arrangement seen in the photo is the XL.

1. Select Size
Want a larger size? Choose the more expensive bouquet and click the + button
2. Select Shipping Method
Bourguignon Store

Av. Ramón y Cajal, 1 - 28016 Madrid

3. Select your Delivery Date Ayuda fecha entrega

Same-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). If you place your order before 2:00 PM, the flowers will arrive the same afternoon.

Next-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). The flowers will arrive the day after your purchase.

Other day delivery:
This option is available every day except Sundays and holidays.

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3. Select your Pickup Date Ayuda fecha recogida

Pickup in the morning or afternoon:

Pickup will be in the morning (10:00-13:45) or in the afternoon (15:00-17:00) as requested by the customer. Morning pickups can be requested until 10:00 AM, and afternoon pickups until 12:00 PM on the same day.

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Trusted Shops Reviews


Este centro de flores está hecho con esponja floral que introducimos en un tiesto de plástico antes de introducirlo en la cesta de mimbre.

El ramo de girasoles es apropiado para ocasiones como cumpleaños, agradecimientos y también para decorar la casa durante el verano.