White advent wreath
Many of us think that wreaths are for the door, but they are also used to decorate a round table during advent. This wreath, 60cm in diameter, is fantastic for celebrating advent. We have used white painted asparagus to give a much softer and airier touch.
Same-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). If you place your order before 2:00 PM, the flowers will arrive the same afternoon.
Next-day delivery:
This option is available on weekdays (Monday to Friday). The flowers will arrive the day after your purchase.
Other day delivery:
This option is available every day except Sundays and holidays.
Pickup in the morning or afternoon:
Pickup will be in the morning (10:00-13:45) or in the afternoon (15:00-17:00) as requested by the customer. Morning pickups can be requested until 10:00 AM, and afternoon pickups until 12:00 PM on the same day.
Don't miss our selection of Christmas flowers, with bouquets of winter flowers, Christmas plants such as poinsettias, Christmas arrangements and wreaths to decorate or congratulate the holidays.